Our Lady of the Green

Our Lady of the Green

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OUR LADY OF THE GREEN - Reweaving Plant Wisdom, Medicine Stories and the Divine Feminine 

13 Week Course

I'm honored to offer you this course as a series of 13 individual recordings - Our Lady of the Green - Reweaving Plant Wisdom, Medicine Stories and the Divine Feminine. I'd love for you to experience what I can honestly promise to be a life altering and deeply soul nourishing experience! Many students have reported their creativity soaring as a result of having participated in this course.

This 13 week series of recorded classes presents a historical perspective on women’s spirituality, explores the roots of the Divine Feminine, devotion to Mary in the 21st century, and examines in-depth the herbs and foods long associated with the Divine Feminine, Mary and the Mysteries of the Rosary.

"I cannot begin to express the gratitude that I feel towards you for putting together the Our Lady of the Green course. It sent me into a hyper-creative state, where poetry and drawings were flowing out of me. My paternal line is from Italy- Molise and Abruzzo and I had been itching to connect to that ancestral line. Moreover, I've been praying the Rosary everyday for almost a year. Therefore, your teachings threw huge amounts of lighter fluid onto a fire that was already burning quite strongly....so, WOW! I am feeling totally connected to the Virgin Mother, Queen of Heaven and Earth in a brand new way. You expanded my perspective of her in a way that allowed me to let her into my heart even further. What a blessing!! I am totally inspired and humbled by the immense body of work you put together in this course offering. I was already a fan of Marija Gimbutas and Bruce Lipton, but you brought them to life in a new and inspired way. You have a beautiful way of being able to explain complex concepts in simple ways, while amalgamating information from a vast sea of sources. It excites me!! I look forward to learning more from you in the future. I am so grateful for your wisdom, your authenticity, your love, and all the work you put into this course."

"Many thanks for an instructional series beautifully rendered from beginning to end."

The beautiful image that accompanies this class is the original art of Mollie Kellogg.

Week 1 – In the Beginning – The past is our heritage. It is our roots and our sustenance. Knowing the true story of our past brings us nourishment through the ages. This knowledge opens up doors to us, presents us with a myriad of new possibilities. It connects us to our ancestors. This nourishing connection gives us the courage and strength we need to act in the present. It brings us clarity of purpose. Our prehistoric ancestors of the Paleolithic and Neolithic eras.

"I LOVE your class so far! You are amazing and have such a warm voice too! Thank you for creating this - it is an important source of wisdom for me at this time."

Week 2 –The Land of Milk and Honey – From Fruitful Mother of the Clan to the destruction of Divine Ancestress and the end of the matrilineal clan system. The Goddess Religions – the theological structures and universal features spread over large geographical areas – female kinship, rites and customs and the subsequent social restructuring. She Who Holds the Reigns of Kings, ritual drama, the dying god or consort and the grieving priestess/mother.

Week 3 – Symbols of Sacred & Prophetic Powers – Serpent/wise counsel, Sacred trees/communion. From Adam & Eve to the Prince of Peace. The Cumaen Sybil. The Feminine Face of God is shining from our faces.

"I must say from the bottom of my heart, thank you for creating this course. I've been studying Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes, and goddess culture, and Mexican curandismo, and herbs for about three years and reading what I can and listening to lectures as I am able. but this....these words and stories are just finding the cracks and crevices i've been aching to fill and oozing in like honey over unknown wounds and questions. thank you, thank you for the work you do and for sharing it with us."

Week 4 – Finding Mary – The continuing evolution of the Goddess. “Mary has a lineage; it is more than the lineage of the House of David. All Neolithic Goddess roads lead to Mary.” Great Mother - Queen of Heaven – The Triple Goddess – Mother of God. The Protestant Reformation and subsequent “de-throning of Mary.”

"Thank you, Gail! That was such an exhilarating talk. I was not raised Catholic, but I have been drawn to Mary in recent years, and I have a lovely little alabaster statue of Mary. I've always felt that she is a representation of not just the mother of Jesus, but of Kwan Yin and all of the other goddesses through time, just with another name. Thank you for your wonderful insight and wisdom."

Week 5 – Reclamation – Reclaiming a most important party of our Judeo-Christian heritage. The secret stories of plants, perceiving the wild heart of nature, gathering information directly from the Wild Heart of the Earth. Reading from the Book of Life. From the Songs of Solomon to the new physics. The transfer of ancient knowledge through association with plants. Acquiring true knowledge. The Burning Times – Revisiting marea, strigae, lamiae and night spirits – witches and women shamanism. The Inquisition, Heinrich Kramer and The Malleus Maleficarium. The role of the local, secular tribunals, intellectuals, printed manuals and peasant participation. St. Joan of Arc.

"I just finished listening to this weeks class (wk 5) for the second time...I was so engaged with this information I had to listen twice to make sure I got everything. Amazing! Gail, I feel that with each class you validate so many feelings about my (our) culture that I can not articulate yet feel so deep in my core! Thank you for all this very thought provoking information!"

Week 6 – The Mary Garden – The great body of wisdom accumulated through the ages regarding the wondrous earth goes underground. Gardens as devotional practice. Early Christian’s shamanic practices, the transference of ancient seasonal celebrations and local geographical goddesses into the evolving liturgical calendar. Queen of the May and the flowers/trees/shrubs long associated with the Feminine Divine. Planning and planting a Mary Garden.

"I just listened to the Mary Garden class again ... each time I listen, I get something new!"

Week 7 – The Angelic Psalter – The rosary is a string of beads used as an implement of prayer and meditation – it is a powerful tool for peace. Early history of prayer beads. Two simple and ancient prayers form the heart and soul of the rosary and their recitation leads us into the timeless sacred dance of our ancestors. How to Pray the Rosary – stepping into the mysteries of the Rosary as mythic ritual performance unfolding before our eyes. These mysteries contain the stories of our primeval theological truths, they are Medicine Stories. Prayer is a living tradition, praying for the earth community.

"What a lovely class! I love the rosary, but until now I have said "alternative" prayers. I have read books about the rosary but they all drown in "religious" terms and ideas. I really love how you present it Gail. Still traditional but in a new way. Thank you!"

Week 8 – The Sacred Mystery Stories – Examining each of the Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries and naming the traditional herbs, foods and medicines associated with each of them – The Sacred Wheel of Life.

"I am loving this! So refreshing and empowering!"

Week 9 –Our Lady of the Green - Our Lady’s Florilegia – Teachings of the Herbs, Flowers and Trees of the Mysteries, Part 1 – The Joyful Mysteries – The Eastern quadrant of the wheel – Liliaceae and Lamiaceae plant families, Figs, poppies, chamomile – Hathor, Persephone, Demeter, Hera, St. Ann, Cybele, Ceres, Flora, Mary and the Assumption, the Eleusian Mysteries.

Week 10 – Teachings of the Herbs, Flowers and Trees of the Mysteries, Part 2 – The southern quadrant of the wheel – The Luminous Mysteries – Grains, grapes, fermented foods and beverages, Brassica family plants.

Week 11 – Teachings of the Herbs, Flowers and Trees of the Mysteries, Part 3 – The western quadrant of the wheel – The Sorrowful Mysteries – Olive, St. John’s wort, Aloe vera, Passionflower.

Week 12 – Teachings of the Herbs Flowers and Trees of the Mysteries, Part 4 – The northern quadrant of the wheel – The Rosaceae family of plants – Mary’s Emblem - Roses, hawthorn, apple, pear plum, cherry, strawberry, raspberry, blackberry, seaweeds.

Week 13 – Ode to Mary, the Litany of Loreto, the many names of the Divine Feminine known throughout time and place. Initiation into the Sisters of the Rose.

"I have read quite a few of the books mentioned over the past two decades, but your course provides a beautifully designed roadmap through Goddess literature."

"I want to thank you for a seminar that was not only informative, but enriching. Your devotion shines through and helped me unearth my own long forgotten affinity for the Blessed Mother. Many thanks for an instructional series beautifully rendered from beginning to end."

"Thank you for introducing me to a part of my culture I was very naive about. I feel as though a very large part of me has been found!"

This 13 week course is available at any time. Links to the 13 downloadable recordings of each (approximately) 1 hour class will be made available upon payment of the class fee. An extensive reading list will also be provided and suggested reading for individual classes will be offered. Students will also receive links to an image library and to YouTube videos that relate to each recording's topics and will enhance their experience.

Please register and pay for the course on this page.

"I am studying this summer, a 13-week course called Our Lady Of The Green with Gail Faith Edwards of Blessed Main Herbs. The course is an in depth study about the history of women’s spirituality, the Divine Feminine, The Goddess Religions and the plants, herbs, medicinal stories and art that go along with this history. It is very special and I'm very grateful for all the learning, growing and understanding that is accompanying this knowledge. It has all somehow stirred my creativity! I recommend this course very much and the book that goes along with it called Through the Wild Heart of Mary, By Gail Faith Edwards."